Whose image are you staring at? Is that you
or is that somebody who you want others to believe you are? You live your whole life chasing an image,
enhancing it, doing things which the person in the image would do if he/she
were to actually exist. Your relationships are based on what that person would
want, you keep ‘friends’ who will make you look good. No, you are not capable
of falling in love because love is spontaneous, from the heart. It cannot be
created like that image. Even if it stares at your face, you choose to look
away. By the end you forget who you really were born to be. Because I am sure
none of us are born to be an image of an ‘other’.
Why is it so important to define the ‘I’?
What a torture for the soul to live within a frame instead of an exploration
with colours, patterns, textures and style. What a torture for the soul to be limited by
one’s own perceptions instead of a journey that lets you discover so many interesting
nuances of the ‘I’. What a torture for
the soul to be surrounded by well defined similar images as a support system
instead of letting your heart find the resonance of its music in others.
Imagine in the end the kaleidoscope that could be your own unique life. Or a brilliant work of art with its particular dashes
of shades and colours all of your own.